Best Friend

Created by Hope 12 years ago
I met Heather over eleven years ago when she started working at Gwinnett Clinic. I will have to admit, it took me a little time to get used to her. She was a bit "overwhelming" to me at the time. Heather was confident, outgoing, and very blunt. I think it was the very blunt part that I found overwhelming; which soon became a very endearing and treasure quality to me. As we worked together, our friendship grew quickly. We both had young children and were in the same mind on how they were to be raised. Over the years, I couldn't even begin to describe the places we've been, the fun we've had, or the laughter and tears we have shared together. I could never put into words the happiness and joy that my best friend brought into my life. We did so much together, with our children, with our families, and with our friends. Oh the times we had...from birthday parties, to holiday events, karaoke (that girl could sing), sleep overs, and even just the quiet "talk" times. I wish I had every photo that was ever deleted not knowing and every voice mail that was not kept. You never know until it is too late. The memories, tho, are always here. Not a day goes by that I don't have some memory pop up. Every place we have ever been together, I have a story to share. People can say a certain phrase or words and I have a "Heather" story to give. And as much as I would love to share my times of Heather with all, I have my private memories too (the things that only best friends could talk to each other about). So precious is each and every one. I could go on and on and on. I love you and I miss you so much, Heather. I so cannot wait til we are reunited. You be ready for some heavy duty girl talk when I get there. I've got so much to tell you, but then again; you might already know. Loving you with all my heart.